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Please fill out and submit to register with us.


Your name:
Your email:
Please confirm your email (enter again):

Choose a password: (combination of 6 to 10 letters and/or numbers)

Options Please check one or more to indicate your interest:

General interest
Council Information
Election Information
Recreation Information
Concert Information
Emergency Information

After submitting this form you will receive an email with a confirmation code - you must complete the registration processing by clicking on the URL contained in the registration email.

Thank you for registering with us. Your email is kept strictly confidential and is never shared with any third party. It is only used to send mailings directly from this website that you request to receive.

* Note: email is inherently an unreliable communication channel and should not be relied upon as the sole channel for urgent communications. The operator of this website cannot be held responsible for emails that are not delivered or are delivered late as these shortcomings of the email system are completely outside the control of this website and its operators.

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