Affordable Housing
Atlantic Highlands First Aid
Building Department
Business Administrator
Clean Communities
Code Enforcement
Drug and Alcohol Alliance
Emergency Management [OEM]
Environmental Commission
Finance Department
Fire Marshall Office
Green Team
Inspections (Occupancy Cert)
Municipal Clerk
Municipal Court
Planning Board
Public Works
Records Bureau
Senior Citizens Committee
Shade Tree Commission
Social Services
Special Events Committee
Stormwater Management
Tax Assessor
Tax Collector
Veterans Affairs Committee
Vital Statistics
Voter Registration
Water and Sewer
Zoning Office
Senior Citizens Committee

The Atlantic Highlands Senior Citizens Committee (AHSCC) is a voluntary advisory committee. The mission of the AHSCC is to promote and support the health, mental health, welfare, recreational, and safety needs and concerns of the senior citizens of Atlantic Highlands.

The AHSCC shall consist of:

  • Six (6) volunteers within the community with a non-voting Councilmember as liaison along with the Mayor as Ex Officio. 
    • All members are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Borough Council. 
    • Representatives from community organizations, governmental agencies, or other interested parties may be asked to participate on an ad hoc basis. 
    • Committee members must be residents of the Borough and be at least 62 years old or retired. 

Terms of Service (from 1/1/2025):

Current terms of service as of 1/1/2025 are for 1 year ending 12/31/2025.

  • Two (2) of the founding members will serve for additional terms of three (3) years;
  • Two (2) of the founding members will serve for additional terms of two (2) years;
  • Two (2) of the founding members will serve for an additional one (1) year.
    • After which all shall serve for staggered terms of three (3) years.

Any vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council for the remainder of the vacant member’s term.

Current terms of service as of 1/1/2025 are for 1 year ending 12/31/2025.